A versatile product for a multitude of dishes

Sweet potatoes

Organic South-African sweet potatoes, rich in fibre, are a healthy and nutritious product. They contain essential elements such as calcium, iron and vitamins A and C, as well as anti-oxidants and carotene, making them a valuable supplement to any diet.

The popularity of organically grown sweet potatoes – also known as yams – has been growing rapidly in recent years. This vegetable is not a member of the bindeweed family – so not related to the potato – and stands out in particular by virtue of its nutritional value. It is also a versatile product which can be prepared in many different ways, ranging from boiling and stewing to frying and pureeing, for a wide range of dishes. Sweet potatoes come in various varieties and colours, purple and orange being the most frequently occurring.

A sweeter flavour thanks to the growing climate

Sweet potatoes grown exclusively for Q-cape in South-Africa by a selected group of arable farmers. The warm climate of the country favours the optimal development of sugars. Both cultivation and crop meet the high standards that we expect for our products and to ensure this, we ourselves conduct quality sampling at the growers’ nurseries. All our products are Skal-certified (NL-BIO-01) as having been grown organically, and based on solid arrangements in terms of cultivation and delivery, we can supply this healthy root vegetable from April to September.


February to May
March to July
April to September
April to September
On the shelf

Product information

Sweet potatoes are washed and graded according to weight.
Packaging is tailored to customer requirements.